Blog Post

Are You Enchanted

theomzone • Oct 08, 2017

You've got to want it enough not to be distracted by what's not working.

under a spell; bewitched; magical
utterly delighted or captivated; fascinated; charmed

My seven year old loves a lot of things, just about everything in fact. However, his love for the band Fall Out Boy is a kind of musical devotion that defies words. Months ago, I saw a reader board driving past a concert venue advertising a Fall Out Boy concert. Although I also like Fall Out Boy, I convinced Kingston’s big brother to take him to the concert. It was an easy sell.

I didn’t think about again at all until two days ago, when big bro called and said, “Uh, Mom, the concert is this weekend. Sunday to be exact.” Bad timing. It was a jam-packed weekend, and when I say jam packed, I mean seriously, too many things had to get done in a short period of time. This including, moving my mother-in-law out of her home into another one, in one day, which was, of course, Sunday. Smart people would have planned three days for that monumental task. We had only one.

Normally the concert venue would be a half an hour drive. On Sunday, when everyone is driving back into Seattle from their weekend travels, it’s a two and a half hour drive. However, for some reason, as we were discussing it, planning to the minute how long the move should take, we thought we could pull it off. We figured all of us should go to the concert. So, we bought the tickets and crossed our fingers. I’m sure as you’re reading this you can already see the problem with best-laid plans.

The move, of course, took a lot longer than we thought it would. They weren’t even loaded and leaving her first home, an hour and a half away, at the point in the day we’d hoped to be fully unloaded in her new place.

Kingston, the excited seven-year-old concert goer, was quite literally bouncing off the walls. I used to think that was a figure of speech. It’s not. This made things even more challenging, all day.

It was a HOT day to be moving, and everyone but Kingston was pretty grumpy. As we finally started unloading in the new place, moods did not improve. Kingston’s off the charts vibration was not a match for anyone around him, and that creates some tension. He spent quite a bit of time, sitting in a hot empty bedroom by himself, in an effort to spare the rest of us from his enthusiasm.

An hour before the concert his big brother left for the venue without him, leaving him to ride with us. We’d planned to drive together. When Kingston asked why I replied, “You’ve irritated your big brother beyond his ability to manage being around you.”

Kingston’s reply, “Oh, that’s too bad. When are we leaving?” He didn’t skip a beat. He didn’t take it personally. He didn’t care his brother was irritated. He just wanted to get on the road, which we did, very, very late, leaving my mother-in-law surrounded by boxes I’d promised her I’d help unpack.

After we returned the U-haul, we left for our two-plus hour drive at 6:30. The concert started at 7:00. Traffic was predictably horrible. The second opening act was well underway before we arrived. Our e-tickets wouldn’t load. We were delayed another half an hour getting that resolved.

Kingston was not worried. He, of course, didn’t miss anything he really wanted to see. It was as if everyone performing had a list of Kingston’s favorite stuff and waited for his arrival.

When we finally took our seats on the lawn, I could see it coming. It was hard to keep a lid on all the excitement. About forty-five minutes into the concert, he couldn’t contain himself anymore, and the dancing began.
We aren’t talking about the typical swaying back and forth, with your hands in the air.

There was jumping, spinning, rolling, somersaults.

There was some breakdancing and running in circles.

He did a lot of awkward, white boy gyrating.

He went into an explosion of motion and dancing and did not stop for almost two full hours.

He was literally ecstatic, like a sufi whirling dervish on acid.

And when it was over, we all figured Kingston would be very difficult the next day. We didn’t get home until after 1 a.m.. He was a sweaty dirty mess, but sound asleep. We put him in bed as he was. I gave myself an extra hour to sleep just to gear up for dealing with him the following day.

When I woke this morning at 9 a.m., Kingston was up, clean, dressed, playing quietly waiting for me to get up. He was in an exceptionally cheerful and cooperative mood. Everyone else is wrecked with exhaustion. Kingston is great – of course – and when I look at him today, my guess is he will ride this wave of blissful cooperativeness for days.

Kids have this stuff figured out, and sometimes it’s annoying as hell. To be fair, Kingston went through the exact same stuff as all the grumpy adults on Sunday. He pushed heavy carts in the heat. He helped unpack boxes. In fact, it was worse for him, because six stressed out adults were yelling at him regularly.

If anyone had a right to be stressed, it was him, because there was a very real possibility we would either decide not to go, or be way too late for the concert. He was quite aware of that.

He didn’t stress.
He didn’t waiver.

He stayed focused and aligned. While the rest of us were slogging through, he knew he was going to that concert and was enchanted by the thought.

Enchantment is the key. It’s like a spell that mesmerizes you into thinking every little thing is going perfectly when all signs point to the contrary. Enchantment keeps you locked into blissful alignment when the going gets rough. Kids nail it. Most adults have forgotten how.

We tend to talk about attachment as if it’s a bad thing, but strong attachment that’s not polluted by fear is pure manifesting gold. If you’re feeling need that’s usually laced with fear and you gotta kick that to the curb. However, super-strong desire, in and of itself, creates enchantment. That’s magical.

If you find yourself getting sidetracked worrying about how it’s all going to work, and frustrated waiting, the problem might be something you haven’t considered before. Maybe you don’t want it badly enough to be under the spell of the desire. Instead of trying to trick yourself into wanting it less, maybe you should let yourself want it more.

Just for today, you might check all your desires. If you aren’t blindly enchanted, you might want to aim higher, or in another direction altogether. Aim for something you can’t help but obsess about.


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Lisa Hayes, The Love Whisperer, is an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is the author of the newly released hit book, Score Your Soulmate and How to Escape from Relationship Hell and The Passion Plan. She is also co-founder of Good Vibe Coach Academy, specializing in LOA Coach Training.

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